I will use the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). It appears to have the features I need to design the course successfully. It has the ability to design a course and input information. It is SCORM compliant and mobile friendly so it should be accessible to all students of the course. Further, it was designed for adult learners who are motivated to learn which perfectly fits the audience of this course. Usability to design the course looks straightforward and it appears to be intuitive and user friendly from the perspective of a learner as well, which is also important.
Additionally, I can create the assignments I've planned in my Instructional Design Document. There can be discussions which are critical for my course. I can create resource pages, module sections, and present information and links. Embedding outside resources appears simple and important part of this LMS. Video learning and social learning are both present which will be essential parts of the course. An interesting feature is the collaborations. Learners could collaborate to create a list of helpful resources or brainstorm a list of hobby ideas, or something similar, which could be a feature to add into my plan.
My audience can expect the course to be setup in sections or modules. There will be links, videos, and research presented for them to review. They will be asked to participate in a discussion board and complete a journal assignment during most modules. Again, these are all features that are supported in Canvas.