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Interactive Module

I created the module about hobbies on Adobe Captivate. The purpose of the module is to teach students the impact hobbies can have and show them their assignment for the module.


My impression of Adobe Captivate is that it is relatively widely used and has many features that could be beneficial. Specifically, I would love to explore the VR function as that could have major impacts on the way we teach and learn online. The program functioned fine and learning to use it was relatively easy. 


I used designs I made in Canva and audio I made from audacity. I matched background colors, added closed captions, and many other features to incorporate all the learning materials I had created into a cohesive module. 


I also included a Poll Everywhere interactive activity. This would allow for brainstorming mid-module to ensure learners were engaged. Further, it allows learners to see what others ideas were and to be inspired by them. Students can learn from each other, and adult students, especially, often have valuable ideas and experiences to share. Later in the module is an interactive text box to help the learner make a decision for the upcoming assignment. And, finally, there are ungraded, knowledge check questions. 

Hobbies Interactive Modules by Michelle Farrington is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. 


Last, I performed a self-evaluation on this module using the checklist below. It is in PDF form. 

©2022 by Michelle Farrington's Instructional Design Portfolio. Proudly created with

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